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Case Case Script
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Violet: Happy Blue Coasts Day, <Name>! Has anybody told you that on December the 1st we celebrate the founding of our city, which took place on this date in 1915.
Violet: The immigrants built a few houses near the beach to live away from the World War problems they had in their countries, looking for a better life full of peace.
Violet: Little did they know that the US were going to enter the war a couple of years later... With the local government's authorization, a Siamese woman called Petchara Metanee founded Blue Coasts.
Violet: Curiously, she was one of the few Thai immigrants our city has received. Every year, there is a comparsa-like parade to celebrate Blue Coasts' glory!
Violet: It will start as soon as the sky is dark, and will finish after the sunrise- What's wrong with the lights?!
George (holding flashlight): I switched electricity off again. <Name>, Nora has just told me that the MAFIA hideout in the forest has just flooded! They are trying to save all the things they kept there.
George: Apparently, this didn't happen when they were in the wetlands, but there's more. The water brought a dead person and Nora says she's seen the corpse before, when this person was alive.
George: Please, go and help her. MAFIA is not the big deal now, find out who this dead person is and what happened to them! Nora is already waiting for you.
George: Just remember that she's supposed to be missing. Her participation in this case has to be kept as a secret!

Chapter 1[]

Investigate Flooded forest
Nora: <Name>, you came! Did you see this woman's face? She's Nevada Hill, the serial kidnapper who was told to kill Clive Goldman. She asked us to protect her and WE failed!!!
Nora: The only thing we can do for her now is arresting the one who did this to her. Those handcuffs came with the water too, so they might be hers. Just in case, decipher the code on them.
Nora: What about that silver watch? You say it looks too expensive? It must be from one of MAFIA's thefts. Some fingerprints are still visible on it. Do you want to examine them?
Nora: Ok, I'm giving up on my mission for a while. I'm sure nobody will notice my absence. I only have to make sure nobody enters that cave they made to hide their stuff.

Autopsy the victim's body
Megan: I can't wait for the festival to start, you'll see how beautiful it is, <Name>! I can only compare it to the carnivals I saw in Rio de Janeiro and Recife during my holidays in Brazil.
Nora: We'll hear your stories in other countries after we catch Nevada's killer! I'm sure this was not an accident.
Megan: And you're right. Nevada did not die from drowning, take a look. Her tongue is not here.
Nora: AGAIN?! So another member of MAFIA killed her for a slip of her tongue, all ironies aside. It must be from the time she helped us find out about Martin Jenkins.
Megan: It looks like that's the case. I found no other stab wounds on Nevada so I thought that cutting the tongue of a living person should be a difficult task for anyone.
Megan: It wasn't long until I noticed she'd been sedated with a tranquilizer used for hunting animals, which by the way is very expensive. I don't think they'd buy it just for her to sleep and die.
Nora: So we can say that the killer already had that tranquilizer from a time when they went hunting!
Idaho: Mama, here you are! That man called George told me you were actually under a cover but it's a secret, right?
Nora: Oh my God, my little girl, I missed you so much! After mama comes back home, remind me to buy you lots of ice cream!

Examine Handcuffs
Nora: Fine, now that we have the code on these handcuffs, let's give it to Hans. If these aren't Nevada's ones, it means we have another prisoner on the loose and I hate prisoners on the loose!
Nora: Don't ask why, <Name>. I said there's an old murder case I don't want to talk about and I won't repeat it.
Nora: Yes, it's the one Madeleine mentioned!!! Don't ever speak about it unless you want me to stupidly take out my gun and shoot myself. Let's-give-this-to-Hans.

Analyze Handcuffs
Hans (sarcastic): I don't really want to be rude, Nora, but... it's the second time you are in a case with escaped prisoners. Are you sure you want to stay in the investigation?
Nora: You... stupid lawyer, this is my job and I'll do it because I love my job! Can't you just... do yours?
Hans: I am sorry, I said I didn't mean to be rude. These are in fact Nevada Hill's handcuffs. The lab analyst, Kyle, showed me that there were large amounts of traces of her blood.
Nora (perplexed): Amounts of traces?
Hans: That means that she still had the handcuffs when she was murdered. However, she didn't have them when you found her dead. Corpses can't unlock their handcuffs.
Nora: So the killer unlocked them. How on Earth did they get the key?
Hans: They didn't. This lock has been picked, let's say. I wonder why the killer felt the need to set a dead person free.
Nora: I don't know either but let's pray for them not to lockpick their own when we arrest them!

Examine Fingerprints
Nora: The prints on that luxury watch belong to... Bella Matthews! Do you remember her? That young girl who lived in a Buddhist temple. We met her in our first case together.
Nora: She is also in the same squad as me, we've talked a lot. She seems to be really nice and she's still trying to leave MAFIA but they even chased her from the wetlands to this forest.
Nora: Well, asking her a few questions won't hurt, right?

Check Bella Matthews' knowledge about the victim
Bella: Good evening again, <Rank> <Name>. I'm really busy now, have you seen the flood? What about you, Nora?
Nora: I think you forgot I am a police detective. Nevada Hill has been murdered. Did you know her?
Bella: Nevada who? Sorry, I have no idea. Why are you asking me about her?
Nora: The flood brought her body and she was in MAFIA as well as you. But if you don't know her...
Bella: I'm sorry but the only thing I saw the flood bringing was one of the carnival's masks.
Nora: A mask? That's right, the carnival! The flood came from the sea and the festival always starts fron the beach and then they go to the rest of the city.
Nora: Maybe Nevada's body came from there too, <Name>! Let's go and investigate.

Investigate City festival
Nora: I hope Bluecoasters don't get mad but they'll have to move their comparsa somewhere else. Even if this was not a crime scene, the tide may ruin all of this.
Nora: Well, the festival hasn't started yet and they're already littering. What is that stained handkerchief doing here, just lying around? What is this yellowish thing?
Nora: Do you think you can collect it with our vacuum? After all, we know that the water brought Nevada from this place. Then there's also this long wick all along the coast.
Nora: I don't think it will burn if it's this wet. Anyway, what is it doing here? Can you see if there's something on it to find out who left it here?
Nora: If you use the microscope, it will be easier.

Examine Stained handkerchief
Nora: Ok, so this thing seems to be pollen. Why would this be on a handkerchief and why would that handkerchief be at the festival?
Nora: It's better if you give this to Ousman. I don't want to waste time with this if I'm not sure whether it's relevant to the murder or not.

Analyze Pollen
Nora: Pleased to see you again, Ousman. Is there anything you can tell us about the pollen sample we gave you?
Ousman: You still remember my name, wow. It's pollen from a morus alba specimen, also known as white mulberry.
Ousman: By the way, did you know this plant can shoot its pollen at half the speed of sound?
Nora: Isn't that about 14 times faster than humans shoot their... equivalent to pollen?
Ousman: How... How am I supposed to live after hearing that?! White mulberry's main use is actually to feed silkworms. Anyway, I also found tear drops on the handkerchief.
Ousman: There were skin cells on it too, most probably they came out when this person wiped their tears. I gave the sample to Kyle so that he could analyze the DNA.
Ousman: I also found out Columbia-Joy Studios bought hundreds of silkworms which Carmela Johnson breeds in the movie she's producing, as she's also the main actress.
Ousman: Kyle told me the DNA most likely belongs to her.
Nora: She's the producer and also plays the main role, how selfish. After she recruited me for MAFIA, it sounds like we have to see her once again.

Have a chat with Carmela Johnson
Carmela: Nora, here you are! Is everything ok with your mission?
Nora: Eh... Yes, it's ok. You are still filming your movie with silkworms, aren't you?
Carmela: Of course I'm still working on "Living in a Forest", where I, an innocent mother who lives in a farm and whose only companions are the worms-
Nora: And you've also been to the festival, right?
Carmela: Well, why so many questions? Is anything wrong?
Nora: First of all, here is your handkerchief. Secondly, Nevada Hill has been murdered and the tide left her in the MAFIA hideout you sent me to.
Carmela: I'm sorry but I don't even know anyone who goes by the name of Nevada. Who would name their daughter after a western state?
Nora: My daughter is named Idaho and I think that's the most beautiful name ever.
Carmela: Well, I think the most beautiful name is Carmela. Now, please leave.

Examine Wick
Nora: Apart from the sea's water, what did you find on that wick, <Name>? Copper, gunpowder, and strontium. Ok, what the heck does that mean?
Nora: Hm, you've seen firecrackers with strontium and copper before, made by Fireboom. Aha, and the company's CEO told you he'd set fireworks for the festival!
Nora: Maybe he's seen here and if he has, he could be related to the case. Where can we find the guy?

See if Ned Stephenson knows something about the case
Ned: <Rank> <Name> again?! And... where is Deputy Jerry?
Nora: He only works on day shifts, Mr Stephenson. I am Detective Nora MacMillon. We came to ask you about your fireworks for the city festival.
Ned: Don't even mention that! I wasted lots of money and the tide ruined it all! Nobody told me we had such high tides after the sunset. I'm mad.
Nora: That's right, the tide hardly ever reaches into the forest but I blame global warming. Anyway, do you know a woman called Nevada Hill?
Ned: No, I don't. In case this is another of your investigations, I haven't seen anything suspicious either.

A while later...

Nora: Ok, <Name>, I don't want to be seen outside for longer. Don't forget I'm still missing. Let's just think and calm down for a while. We've found the dead body of...
Idaho: Hi, mama! When will you come back home?
Nora: Idaho, girl, what are you doing here? Why hasn't Pierre picked you up yet?
Idaho: Dad said he was a bit delayed with a "business meeting", and told George he'd come for me later.
Nora: Pierre's business meetings are always on Mondays, my little girl. It's... obviously...
Nora: Another kind of meeting. Ok, I absolutely don't care about that but this time he's messing with his daughet and-
George: Nora, are you really here?! Where is your mobile?
Nora: M-my mobile?! My mobile! <Name>, I left my mobile phone at the forest! How did you know, George?!
George: When you went with MAFIA, I installed an app in your phone to track it. I got a message saying your cellphone is 5,000 feet away from your location in the forest!

Chapter 2[]

George: Take a look, this message says your phone is like 1,500 meters away from your location in the forest, Nora.
Nora: That's called a notification, not a message.
George: WHATEVER IT IS! Maybe the tide took your phone but we need to check it just in case. I just don't remember the password for that tracking app.
Nora: Oh, I'm sure <Name> can do it with no problem. Let's go help the Chief, <Name>.

Examine Tracking app
Nora: Well done, <Name>. Now we-
Nora (desperate): Wait, what?! What is the app doing?! It just went crazy! THOMAS!!!
Thomas: What's wrong, Nora?!
Nora: Why is the Chief's tablet doing this?
Thomas: I'm afraid it detected you trying to hack it, <Name>. Now it's protecting itself. I may be bad at hacking hackers but I rock at hacking apps! Let me handle this.

Analyze George's tablet
Thomas: Sorry for having made you wait, <Name>, it was hard to beat this app's security. At first, it showed the cellphone like one kilometer into open sea.
Nora: So the tide took my mobile away?! The Chief was right...
Thomas: No, I found it in this app's source code, it's a glitch to fool the hacker. The trajectory was projected in the opposite direction. Your cellphone is actually here, look.
Nora: Boy, do you know what that is?! Those are the Evergreen Tops Police Branch Headquarters! Why would my mobile be there?
Thomas: I don't know that, but I know that you can't go there, Nora. Everett will find out you're actually not missing.
Nora: Fine, fine. <Name>, you'll have to go with your spoiled privileged assistant. Bring my phone back!

Investigate District police headquarters
Violet: I'm glad the officers let us in, <Name>. Let's go back to the HQ before we have troubles here!
Violet: That mobile has to be the one we're looking for, I think Nora's phone is green like this one. I don't know how it got here from the forest but the fingerprints on it will give us more answers.
Violet: Wait, you want to take more things with you? Hm, you're right. If the mobile got here, something weird is going on in this place. Let's take that drawer.
Violet: And that weird key...? I've seen it in spy movies, isn't it used for lockpicking? Aha, Nevada's killer is a lockpicker! You'll have to examine this too.

Examine Nora's cellphone
Nora: Thanks for having found my mobile. Anyway, I don't think those partial fingerprints are enough to reveal who took it to Everett's police station.
Nora: Why don't you just let Thomas take a look at those? Our priority is Nevada's murder, not my mobile.

Analyze Partial fingerprints
Thomas: Before I talk about the fingerprints, I'll say that I used the tracking app to try and see if anybody had been using your mobile. I think your daughter did.
Nora: How can you be so sure? I never lend my cellphone to her.
Thomas: Someone has browsed the web millions of times looking for info about Idaho, so it must be her. She has no idea she's been reading about the state anyway.
Thomas: Can that girl even read-
Nora: WHO ASKED YOU TO LOOK INSIDE MY PHONE, KID?! That's not any of your business!!!
Thomas: Well, sorry, sorry!!! I didn't know you were the one interested in our country's northwest. The fingerprints belong to you and to Takeshi Meuro.
Nora: Isn't that the Japanese guy from the Hilton's temple? Why did he take my phone to that station?!
Thomas: Actually the local police has just arrested him, according to Hans. He's in their detention facility and if you want to keep being missing, don't go there.
Nora: Call your assistant again, <Name>. Get the truth from that mobster-sensei!

Confront Takeshi Meuro about Nora's mobile
Takeshi: Good evening, <Name>-keiji. I see you're here with your kawaii loli friend again.
Violet: I'm not Japanese, Mr Meuro, but I know what "kawaii" and "loli" mean! I also see you're arrested... and that you've grown some hair.
Takeshi: Ah, yes, I would pick the lock of my cell but I don't have the necessary tools here.
Violet: We know you are part of MAFIA and we know you've brought a cellphone here. Why, Mr Meuro? It was not yours.
Takeshi: Well, you know MAFIA works and doesn't let anyone else know about anything. Himitsu da yo. I can't tell you, kawaii loli.
Violet: Can't you at least say why the district police arrested you?
Takeshi: I'd rather keep silent. If you want, I can tell you about the time they arrested me for a theft or for hunting in the wrong season...
Violet: We're not interested. Thanks for your time, keiji-Takeshi or whatever I'm supposed to call you.

Examine Drawer
Nora: It was a nice detail to bring a drawer from the station but there's definitely nothing good in it. What's that, a journal?
Nora: Oh, a broken page is in it. I'm absolutely interested.

Examine Torn page
Nora: That torn page is just more of the journal, how can you care about this? It's super boring.
Nora: Isn't that a picture of the wetlands though? The squad I joined used to be there until we found out and the hacker told them. Could it be about MAFIA?
Nora: I have an idea. Annabelle can get more from this us. I'll give the journal to her.

Analyze Journal
Annabelle: Nice clue, guys. This handwriting is a very interesting one, it shows power and determination. Some pages also denote hatred and anger.
Annabelle: What showed me who this writer is was in fact the journal's content. It's Everett Sanderson.
Nora: That guy writes a journal? I bet it must be as plain and boring as he is.
Annabelle: He wrote a few interesting things in fact. Listen. This one is from October the 29th. He wrote about how he spent time hunting in the wetlands.
Nora: Hunting, huh? Just like Nevada's killer.
Annabelle: OCTOBER THE 29TH I SAID. Four days before Mandi Joyway's murder.
Nora: Mandi Joyway? Now I remember, <Name>! Everett was supposed to be in the wetlands investigating Mandi's house which later got burnt. Why did he go hunting instead of working?
Nora: My God, he even took that investigation from us without our consent! <Name>, please go and do something about this!

Talk to Everett Sanderson about his behavior in the wetlands
Everett: <Rank> <Name>, what are you doing in my HQ? Is Detective MacMillon still missing?
Violet: That's not your business. We're here to talk about a different thing. I'm sure you remember that around five weeks ago you investigated a house in the wetlands.
Violet: An investigation that you claimed to be yours just because. An investigation WE would have-
Everett: Yes, I remember that! I lockpicked the house's door but my squad found nothing there.
Violet: Why didn't you report that back to us?! You just stayed in the wetlands hunting instead of preventing the arson that destroyed the house!
Everett: Why should I have done that? The investigation wasn't yours anymore, lady.

Examine Skeleton key
Nora: You found traces of blood on the skeleton key?! My gosh, then I guess that police station may have in fact pieces of evidence from our case.
Nora: Give that sample to Kyle, hurry up!

Analyze Blood
Kyle: Hans told me about the killer lockpicking Nevada's handcuffs. <Name>, let me tell you you've just found the tool the culprit used!
Nora: So that means the blood sample came from the victim.
Kyle: Yes, and it was also mixed with saliva, since the wound was inside her mouth because her tongue was removed. However, I found something else on the key.
Kyle: I found ginseng and alcohol, and so I decided to do a bit of my Kyle-research on the web.
Nora: Kyle-research? What does that even mean?
Kyle: Research made by Kyle, of course. It turns out in fact that it was a ginseng liqueur from Korea called insamju, which Nevada had not drunk.
Nora: And it was on the killer's lockpicking key. Fine, <Name>, our killer with expensive taste drinks insamju! This can only happen in a place as snob as Evergreen Tops.

A few minutes after that...

Violet: I'm mad, <Name>! Everett took an investigation away from us for no reason and he didn't even care about the arson!
Violet: And Takeshi hasn't done anything besides taking Nora's mobile but he doesn't want to help us.
Nora: The only thing we know about Nevada's killer is that they like hunting, are an expert lockpicker, and drinks a weird Korean beverage.
Nora: I sort of befriended Bella Matthews in the forest, <Name>, and she mentioned being a great lockpicker. She also said she used to go hunting when that squad was in the wetlands.
Nora: I don't think we can actually find out if our suspects drink insamju or not... Hey you, privilege girl, can you ask Thomas to investigate who in this city drinks ginseng liqueur?
Violet: My name is Violet, you bitter woman! I never asked my father to make me join his team.
Hans: Stop shouting, the both of you! Weird things are going on, Everett just keeps arresting more and more people!

Chapter 3[]

Hans: I don't know why, but Everett's team has arrested over a dozen citizens in the last twenty minuteas! None of them have committed major crimes, just petty felonies.
Nora: What the heck? What is he trying to do? What can WE do about it?
Hans: Nothing, I guess. It's just that one of the people he arrested doesn't seem to be in our database. I could only get this side mugshot, see?
Nora: Can you try to find out who that is, <Name>? We need to know what Everett has in mind.

Examine Mugshot
Nora: That man is Gary Perkins?! That's the Townvillian, right? I think the Chief told us he was investigating the same cold case you're here for. Our database doesn't say he's come to this city.
Nora: Then he hacked us and Thomas messed up when he told him the MAFIA password wrong. Gary knew what he was talking about and told him to stay away from MAFIA.
Nora: That means he's part of the society too, just like Takeshi! And Everett arrested both... <Name>, is it too much if I tell you to go there with Violet again? We must stop MAFIA before they see I'm not one of them!

Ask Gary Perkins what the MAFIA fuss is about
Gary: <Name>, long time no see!!! Like... a year ago! After Townville's soccer finals, remember? When you arrested me.
Gary: Ah, and sorry for escaping back then. I sent you a letter though. Did you read my letter? I came to investigate Reuben Thacks' death too, just like you.
Violet: Why do you know what <Name> came to Blue Coasts for?
Gary: You're Violet, right? Chief Nearnight's daughter! I hacked your HQ as soon as I came, sorry. To investigate Reuben's case I had to join MAFIA. I'm sure you already know he founded the society.
Gary: Being part of a secret criminal organization is challenging. I had to hack you to make sure everything was fine, and also to keep track of <Name>'s investigation. I'm not on MAFIA's side anyway.
Violet: And what is MAFIA trying to do now? Why are you all being arrested?
Gary: I can't tell you, sorry. Anyway, Bella told me about Nevada's murder. Have this mobile and give it to Thomas, I've also hacked jail's security circuit. Maybe there's good info here!
Violet: What if MAFIA finds out you're helping us arrest one of their hitmen?
Gary: Not this time, Violet. It's ok if you arrest this one.

Analyze Gary's phone
Thomas: Gary is such a good hacker, <Name>! I'd admire him if he hadn't used me to give that badge to the MAFIA vandals.
Nora: Yeah, I was told about your bravery actions. I can't believe you would have gone undercover behind our backs.
Thomas: I'm really sorry about that, but Idaho told us that secrets among friends were wrong. Your daughter is truly amazing. Anyway, back to Nevada's footage now, I found something.
Thomas: She received a note yesterday and she didn't read it out loud but she lip-synched. I also zoomed in on the note, and it said exactly this...
Thomas: "We need you. Meet us near the festival's orange float after the sunset."
Nora: The festival? That's where Nevada probably died! <Name>, we have to go there once again. Remember, an orange float!
Nora: I'll also write down the fact that Perkins used to be a professional thief. That must mean he's a good lockpicker, don't you think?

Investigate Carnival float
Nora: Damn, my calf is getting wet! What's wrong with this thide?! Is the city sinking or what?
Nora: That torn leaflet has been saving itself from the water. Anyway, what can it be useful for apart from info about the carnival? Restore it on your own if you want.
Nora: The trash container is a more promising clue, the killer may have left something there. I'll help you look inside it.

Examine Torn leaflet
Nora: Ok, judging by the colors and drawings on the leaflet's visible part, I'd say it's about the festival. The rest of it is actually faded. What a shame.
Nora: Ok, so you'll recover it? For Nevada's sake, <Name>, don't waste time...

Examine Faded leaflet
Nora: Fine, so the festival's leaflet says "Blue Coasts Festival - Special guest: Montgomery Appleton - Speech 10 pm".
Nora: So Appleton was giving a speech at the carnival about our city? What could an industry businessman know about loving your hometown? He only thinks about cash.
Nora: In any case, he may have come here and seen... or done something. Let's look for him, <Name>.

See if Montgomery Appleton can help you
Montgomery: <Rank> <Name>, where is Deputy Jerry? Have you already caught my old hacker?
Nora: Bryar is only on the day shift, and we can't find the hacker yet. Thanks for asking. We saw a leaflet saying that you'd give a speech tonight at the festival.
Montgomery: Yes, but the amazingly large tide and a police investigation got in the middle, or that's what I heard. For the first time, the festival will be held one day later.
Nora: So you went to the festival and had to return after you saw it'd been called off, is that it?
Montgomery: No, I heard that it wouldn't take place so I didn't bother going. If you're asking me because of your case, I'm afraid I cannot help you.

Examine Trash container
Nora: I knew it, look! This bottle has blood stains! I don't think Nevada would escape from jail with this bottle, so the killer must have brought it. But why?
Nora: Hm, the animal tranquilizer they gave to her! I didn't know it came in such posh bottles anyway.
Nora: Let's give it to Megan to see if this was what she found on Nevada's body.

Analyze Bloodstained bottle
Nora: Postpone your travelling stories, Megan. Right now we are interested in the case only.
Idaho: Mama, this woman is talking about Nevada! Isn't that a place, like my name?
Nora: Susana-I mean-Idaho, my little girl! You're not named after the state anyways. Can you go and show Susana your toy cars for a while?
Nora: Go on now, Megan.
Megan: Um... Thanks. This is not a bottle of animal tranquilizer though, and the contect of this vessel was not inside Nevada's system. The blood is hers indeed.
Megan: This is actually the bottle of ginseng liqueur that the killer drank. It seems they had a beverage at the festival before killing the victim.
Nora: Well, so what about the fingerprints or saliva? You must have found something!
Megan: Believe it or not, the killer used gloves and they didn't drink directly from the bottle!!! It almost sounds like they knew the police would find the bottle.
Megan: However, these luxury drinks have a unique serial code. Thomas traced this one to the Hilton & Hilton Club.
Nora: I heard that story, the widow and co-owner sent the whole club by mail to thousands of places to hide something from us. Do you think she can help us, <Name>?

Try to get info from Vaninna Ballaffinte
Vaninna: Aren't you <Rank> <Name>?! You arrested my husband's killer! Thanks very much.
Nora: Miss Ballaffinte, we know that for SOME reason you sent your whole club to many different places.
Vaninna: I couldn't stand that place anymore. It reminded me too much of Mark.
Nora: All of those places belonged to you, your club, or relatives of yours. The only exception was Appleton's house.
Vaninna: I couldn't let go of everything either, the Hilton & Hilton still lives in those places. The Appletons have been our friends for ages, so I sent them something too.
Nora: The mail appears to have been sent by Martin Jenkins. Who is he?
Vaninna: Some random guy I hired to take care fo the mail. I've never seen him again after that.
Nora: Well, do you remember who you sent some bottles of insamju to? It's a clue in a murder investigation.
Vaninna: Oh, ginseng liqueur is delicious! I don't remember that, but I remember that Carmela Johnson, the actress, used to love drinking it at my club.

Back at the headquarters...

Nora: What's up with Perkins, huh?
Violet: It's just as we thought, he's undercover in MAFIA. It seems that this society was founded by Reuben Thacks, an ancestor of that cyanide poisoner from Townville.
Violet: Annabelle told me that Reuben was hanged for some crime in 1918 but three days later he was autopsied and his death was ruled as cyanide poisoning.
Nora: And Perkins is also investigating it. I just don't get it, why would that guy and that crazy poisoner investigate something that happened in 1918?
George: <Name>, I have news! I think I know why tonight's tide is incredibly large. Something happened a few meters away from Evergreen Shore.
George: A helicopter was damaged and it fell from a really high place into our sea! The tide will eventually get back to normal soon, but no survivors were found.

Chapter 4[]

George: It's sad but true. An helicopter fell in our sea. That is possibly why this tide is larger. Nobody in that helicopter seems to have survived.
Nora: At least do we know who these people were? We have to ask the local heliports about it.
George: That's not our territory, Nora. The Blue Coasts Marine Force will tell us more about it if they want to.
George: Now, I want you to go back to Everett's HQ, <Name>. A piece of evidence related to the murder was found there, and monkey business within our department is never good.
Violet: Let's go, <Name>! This has been my busiest day at work so far, I'm thrilled!

Evidence storage room
Violet: Let's do this quickly before Everett shows up, <Name>! What is that dirty folder about? For some reason it was lying around here and not in its place.
Violet: Maybe the vacuum helps us clean it up so that we don't damage it. Now, that jewel box is even more suspicious. Could it be evidence from some case?
Violet: Well, you can take a sample of this green thing on it at the lab if you want.

Examine Dirty folder
Nora: Fine, <Name>. This folder from the district police branch is about some case which we can't read about. The last thing I want is another problem with Everett.
Nora: Besides, it's just a break-in case. I'll give it to Hans while we keep investigating Nevada's murder.

Analyze Police folder
Hans: You look different, Nora. Is it because of Pierre's mysterious rendezvous? The Chief told me about it.
Nora: Does anybody here even have privacy? The hacker watches us, Thomas looks in my phone, you make stupid comments! I don't care if he cheats on me because even though I'm married to him, he's not my husband.
Hans: That's the Nora I'm used to talking to. Now, this police folder is about a case that was investigated by you, <Rank> <Name>, even though your name is not on this file.
Hans: It's about the break-in at the Hilton & Hilton Club. You found Gary Perkins' prints on a safe, remember? However, Vaninna Ballaffinte refused to show you its contents.
Nora: Contrary to what we thought, Mark Hilton did dennounce the break-in, but the district police branch rejected the investigation and underestimated it.
Nora: And we believed that it had a link to MAFIA. Everett won't tell us why he didn't investigate it. Vaninna won't tel us what she's hiding...
Nora: But we may have Gary on our side! I just hope he takes Violet seriously.

Ask Gary Perkins about the Hilton & Hilton break-in
Violet: Mr Perkins, since you were hacking us at that time, you must remember we know you broke into the Hilton & Hilton Club. Why did you do that?
Gary: I wanted info on Reuben Thacks. Unfortunately, that safe was impossible to unlock. I ended up stealing just some Korean ginseng beverage I often share with my friend Bella Matthews.
Gary: Then I tried to look for info in the wetlands, where I spent most of my free time hunting ducks.
Violet: And what did you find?
Gary: Why don't you join MAFIA and do your own investigation? We have to either work together or stay in our sides, <Name>.

Examine Jewel box
Nora: <Name>, I had seen a similar jewel box at the forest. It must be another one of the objects they took to the station, just like my cellphone.
Nora: And what's that thing? Some fibers and leaves... Hm, I think I've seen these a while ago.
Nora: Yeah, it's that plant used to feed silkworms! Then I'm sure these fibers must be silk and Carmela Johnson has something to do with this!
Nora: If this was at that station, Carmela has been probably arrested as well! Take the special privileged girl with you.

Ask Carmela Johnson about the police station
Carmela: Believe me, it's really shameful for me to be seen in a cell. A great actress who could go hunting in The Wildest Adventure, or lockpick bank vaults in The Crimson Heist...
Violet: Well, it would be more shameful if you kept the handcuffs for a very long time. Why did you come here with a jewel box?
Carmela: A woman lookes better decked out in secrets, don't you think? The jewel box is stolen so it has to be here, and I am a criminal so I deserve to be arrested.
Violet: You really like secrets... We heard that you like insamju, Miss Johnson. It happens to be a clue in our murder investigation.
Carmela: WHAT?! Who told you that?!
Violet: A police officer looks better decked out in secrets.
Carmela: It must have been Takeshi Meuro, he loves insamju too, he loves anything as long as it's Asian. And your boss, Commander Sanderson, also drinks insamju.
Violet: Nice to know, even though he's not really our boss... I say we should leave, <Name>.

Back from the district HQ...

Violet: What can we do now, <Name>? We have MAFIA members in detention, Everett messing around, your old friend from Townville... What about Nevada?
Nora: Shh... Idaho has fallen asleep. <Name>, Violet... do you know who killed Nevada?
Violet: No, we don't. We're collecting evidence about the suspects but not about the murder.
Nora: Ok, let's go back to the forest then. We must hurry up before the tide backs down and all the evidence ends up in the sea.

Investigate Tidal flow
Nora: A dagger with traces of blood?! It looks fresh, this has to be the murder weapon! Unless it's the weapon from another murder...
Nora: Can you make sure it's Nevada's blood? The last thing I need is another murder. Besides, don't you feel like we've already seen this dagger?
Nora: I mean, not the dagger itself but the drawings on the dagger. I'm sure I've seen that design.
Nora: Well, who cares. About those wet papers... I doubt there's something interesting there but let's see just in case.

Examine Dagger
Nora: That's Nevada's blood, <Name>! That means this dagger IS the murder weapon after all... and that I still think I've already seen these drawings somewhere else.
Nora: Ok, let's stop wasting time, I'll send this to Megan's lab!

Analyze Dagger
Megan: The carnivals in Recife definitely turned out way better than our Blue Coasts festival... This case has me tired and I'm just stuck in the lab...
Megan: Well, I saw a serial number etched on this dagger and I think I know why you were saying you'd seen this before, Nora. This was bought by Clive Goldman.
Megan: These same designs were on that purple sheath of his. This is the dagger that Nevada had stolen from him when she killed him! We found it!
Nora: And now someone used it to kill her... but who?
Megan: I found a special type of ink on the handle which is used for the Blue Coasts citizenship seal on your ID. It's worth noting that Clive Goldman was a Canadian and Nevada is from Texas.
Nora: So none of them, who touched the knife, had that citizenship. Then it's our killer the one who is a Bluecoaster!
Nora: That's most of our suspects, except for the Japanese Takeshi and Townvillian Gary.

Examine Wet papers
Nora: My God... Good thing we found it, at least. Please, <Name>... give it to Megan.

Analyze Tongue
Nora: Please tell us that is Nevada's tongue... I'll pass out if it belongs to somebody else.
Megan (holding pictures): You can keep standing, it belongs to Nevada. If you look at the slit wound, it matches to perfection the cut you can see inside her mouth.
Nora (covering face): Why do you have photographs of that?!
Megan: They're necessary for the case file, Nora. If you want, I can skip all the details about how her tongue was removed and go straight to the point.
Megan: The culprit left some of their skin cells where- Whoops, I was about to show you the tongue.
Megan: The thing is, the DNA on it tells me that Nevada's killer has a widow's peak.
Nora: Maybe the inmates will shave the killer's head in prison anyway.

Right after that...

Nora: Violet! Come here, please.
Violet: Here I am! What do I do?
Nora: Go with <Name>. This will be your first time arresting a killer!

Arrest killer
Violet: Carmela Johnson, you are under arrest for the brutal murder of Nevada Hill!
Carmela: Well, I'm already in this police detention facility. What else do you want?
Violet: We want you in jail! That's where murderers are, Carmela.
Carmela: I thought you were on my side, <Rank> <Name>. We're supposed to help each other, don't you know?
Violet: Can't you see we're not in MAFIA? <Rank> <Name> has fooled you and Nora fooled you as well. It's just a matter of time until we bring your organization down.
Carmela: So we let in an undercover agent who didn't even actually join us?! My Gosh, I need to tell the boss about it!
Violet: No boss, you're coming with us, Carmela! I don't want to use my gun!
Carmela: Well, I might want to use mine. Now do as I-
Carmela: Aggh!!!
Violet: Oh my God! Did I shoot her?
Takeshi: I did. Now, let's get this woman out of here. She won't die, I promise. Then we'll take her to a Court.
Violet: You speak fluent English?! B-but how?!

The next day...

Peggy: Ah, you're Carmela Johnson, you played Katie Redwood's role in The Crimson Heist! I can't believe you've killed a person!!!
Carmela: I like the way you overlook the fact that a Japanese man grazed my shoulder with a bullet.
Peggy: He didn't want to kill you and he was protecting <Rank> <Name> and Officer Violet. Therefore, it's part of the Court's civil affairs, where my nose doesn't belong. You'll be able to sue him whenever you want.
Peggy: Miss Chashiroua, what can you tell us about Miss Johnson?
Annabelle: First of all, I can tell she needs psychotherapy. Secondly, this is just like the victim's trial. She didn't practically even know Nevada. Somebody told her to do it.
Peggy: And her guilt is proved too. Will you tell the Court who's behind these murders?
Carmela: In exchange for what? I give you my safety and you put me in jail. No, thanks.
Peggy: Well, there goes your parole. You claimed to have killed her with a dagger she had... Ok, here's your sentence.
Peggy: Life imprisonment with a chance for parole in 20 years and psychological therapy for 3 years. Session adjourned!

Violet: It's a shame that Nora couldn't attend the trial. Everett may have showed up though, so I guess she had no choice.
Violet: I'm just glad that Takeshi was there to save us. Anyway, why did he do that? Maybe he didn't know Carmela was also in MAFIA and tried to protect "fellow members".
Violet: However, he spoke to us in a very good English. Was he faking his speech this whole time? We also still don't know why Carmela lockpicked Nevada's handcuffs-
Peggy: <Rank> <Name>, here you are! Excuse me. I investigated about Reuben Thacks' execution and found out that his crime is filed as royal treason. A bit weird, considering Blue Coasts was never in a kingdom.
Peggy: The judge who issued his death sentence was Samuel Constantin Perkins, the grandfather of Silver Constantin, the judge whose place I took.
Peggy: That's all I could find out. Some of Samuel's descendants took the surname Constantin and others took Perkins.
Violet: Perkins... like Gary? That may explain why his family is involved in this too!

Mobsters and hackers 7[]

George: We're not having a nice moment, <Name>... Nora and Pierre are arguing in the interrogation room. It seems Pierre is having an affair with somebody else.
George: Nora isn't hurt even a bit, except for the fact that Pierre slept with his lover last night instead of picking Idaho up. She befriended Susana so Megan took both kids home.
George: I shouldn't tell you about this, but you must have already figured it out. Nora hates Pierre and they got married in some sort of shotgun wedding. To be honest, he is a terrible person.
James: <Name>, Bella Matthews is here and wants to see you! Isn't she a MAFIA agent? She wants to talk about some hacker.
George: A hacker? <Name>, just in case, take Thomas with you, ok?

See what Bella Matthews knows about the hacker
Bella: Oh, you have to be Thomas Ravens. I am Bella Matthews, the hacker you've been looking for.
Thomas: WHAT THE-?! You?! Are you an expert in computing? It can't be true!
Bella: You're such a sexist banana peel, I'm sure you'd believe it if I was Matthew and not Bella.
Thomas: Well, what am I supposed to say? Just stop hacking us! Why did you decide to come and confess anyway?
Bella: Because I know I'll leave this station without being arrested. You can only arrest me with an order signed by a justice officer or if I'm caught in fraganti, or if I allow you to.
Bella: First of all, I have to admit I never wanted to leave MAFIA. It was just a little lie to have you think I was on your side.
Bella: Sorry for stealing that device of yours. I didn't stop hacking you because you got back the device, but because Goldman had told you about MAFIA and you were going to find us.
Bella: Of course, I had to tell my superior about Goldman's treason. I hacked you again later not because of Montgomery's son, but because YOU had helped us with that police badge.
Thomas: That was just a mistake! I should have never helped you! And how did you find out about Nevada Hill's treason? You weren't hacking us back then!
Bella: In the forest I befriended Nora. It was a slip of her tongue, she told me about Nevada. Now, I'll tell you how I hacked and I'll help you improve your security, fine?
Bella: Then I'll escape and you'll leave me alone. I found some info on Reuben Thacks so I'll chase that lead. Bye bye!

1 hour later...

Thomas: Bella was not lying, <Name>! We're not being hacked anymore! I can't believe she was the one behind it all along.
Thomas: And I'd rather Nora didn't know about her slip of a tongue... She already looks way too troubled to carry another burden such as causing an execution.
Thomas: Anyway, we still need to see what MAFIA is up to! Bella told us she'd found a lead about that cold case and I'm sure she was arrested with the other MAFIA members.
Thomas: Maybe she left something at Everett's HQ, who knows? Let's go and see!

Investigate District police headquarters
Thomas: Nice catch, <Name>! This is a photograph of an old newspaper and it shows a piece of news titled "Woman found murdered in her garden, criminal organization suspected". This is bad...
Thomas: The date seems to be... September, 1917! That was two months before Reuben Thacks' death, I'm sure MAFIA had this here for a good reason.
Thomas: Let's see what we can get from this photo with our carbon powders, <Name>.

Examine Photograph
Thomas: There was a message on the photo and it says "Take a look, Gary!". It has to be Gary Perkins, don't you agree?
Thomas: We know how hideous and surreptitious he is, <Name>. Let's ask him about this before he's out of our reach again. I'll go with you.

Talk to Gary Perkins about the cold case
Thomas: Gary, we found this photo adressed to you. Is this old murder related to Reuben Thacks?
Gary: Congratulations, you found a new lead! This murder eventually ended up in something else two months later and I've already investigated that.
Gary: I'm sorry, <Name>, but soon you'll understand why I can't let you investigate with me. In a few days, I'll escape and keep investigating. I'm not a citizen here so you can't put me in your jail.
Thomas: Then we'll send you back to Townville's one, where... you've already escaped and where security is weaker than it is here.
Thomas: Your ancestor involved in this matter is Samuel Perkins, right? The judge.
Gary: Wow, you've advanced a lot. Let's see, why don't we make a deal? You'll let me roam free around Blue Coasts and in exchange, I give you two pieces of info.
Gary: First of all, what I think you don't know about yet. Linda's ancestor, the one involved in this, is called Marthin Farren. The second one, only if you accept my deal. It's about MAFIA.
Thomas: Of course we can accept an ordinary guy investigate an old crime in exchange from bringing down a bunch of mobsters!
Gary: The pact is sealed. <Name>, with you here, there's no need for MAFIA to keep existing. They cause a lot of harm. In this USB key, you have everything about them.
Gary: MAFIA didn't kill you because I told them you could be of help, <Name>. With Bella hacking you, we already knew you were pretending to be one of us. Well, not everyone knew about it indeed...
Gary: Now, this may be the last time we meet. I disappear and you've never met me, ok? Keep this place's horrible lunch.
Thomas: This has been the best trade deal in history! I'll be careful with this anyway. Let's go back to the HQ, <Name>!

Analyze Gary's flash drive
Thomas: I had to make sure nobody has hacking us again... It'd be really bad if a hacker saw the contents of this USB key. I also checked it for viruses.
Thomas: Thankfully, this flash drive is safe. Gary wrote all of this and guess what. It's written for you, <Name>. He tells you how he easily befriended MAFIA's leader...
Thomas: And explains in a detailed way who the members of MAFIA are, how they work and what they do. Old George has already sent people to arrest them.
Thomas: However, two things are bothering me. The first one is that there's no mention of Martin Jenkins in this file, as if he didn't exist.
Thomas: The second one is that the only thing Gary said about MAFIA's leader is that "the boss is extremely cautious" and he doesn't reveal the boss' name.
Thomas: He says he only managed to record the organization leader sneezing before this person noticed what he was doing. Maybe that audio can help us identify them?
Thomas: Ok, let's give it a try!

Examine Voice note
Thomas: What?! The leader of MAFIA is Vaninna Ballaffinte, <Name>! B-but how?! Why? She ordered the execution of her husband!
Thomas: <Name>, it's time to put an end-
Nora: Thomas, when did you become a field agent?! Do you think you can approach the leader of a criminal organization so easily? Leave this up to <Name> and me.
Thomas: What if she brings a weapon with her?
Nora: Why don't we use a psychological trick? To make her feel safe, we'll tell her to bring a gun with a shooting test as an excuse, we'll tell her it's for an investigation.
Nora: Are you willing to try it?

Confront Vaninna Ballaffinte

After the fake shooting test...

Vaninna: Ok, which is the next target, <Rank> <Name>?
Nora: It's you, Vaninna. We know you're the leader of MAFIA. Raise your hands, our guns are pointing at you!
Vaninna: Are you stupid? I have a gun in my hand, this is literally going anywhere!
Vaninna: There goes your gun, <Rank> <Name>. And yours too, Detective whatever your name is. We've been letting you pretend you were one of us and this is how you pay back...
Vaninna: MAFIA used to be a bunch of criminals until Reuben Thacks died. Then our mission changed, and Perkisn told me you had the same mission so we let you help us.
Vaninna: It was funny, watching you wonder if Appleton was one of us or not. Just because I used his ticket for Mark's execution order and because I sent a random package to his house.
Vaninna: We indirectly helped you arrest Carmela because she slipped her tongue and spoiled the broth. She told you where we hid our things and made you join the squad!
Vaninna: And all of this happened because I had to kill Mark... I loved him, really. But before Perkins joined MAFIA, he'd tried to steal from the club but Mark did nothing.
Vaninna: I told him to move the club, where I kept important things for the organization, and he refused. He got in the middle...
Nora: So Perkins wasn't one of you by that time? How did he befriend you so quickly?!
Vaninna: Let's just say I had already met him before I knew who he was... However, I wouldn't tell you all of this if you could tell someone else about it.
Vaninna: <Rank> <Name>, you may be helpful for us. It's not your case, lady. Just in case you can dodge a bullet, I'll make it harder by pointing at your heart and not at your brain.

Vaninna: Ok, <Rank> <Name>, take your time. You're leaving with me. Let's just leave your friend here, I don't think your Chief minds if-
Vaninna: Aghh!!! My leg! What the-?!
Nora: Even if I hate my life, I would never let a scum like you kill me. Did you think I'd confront you here without a bulletproof vest? Thankfully, I still have one reason to live.
Vaninna: YOU shot me?! Ok, it's enough. Surrender! Come with me or I'll shoot your head this time. I don't think you're wearing an invisible bulletproof helmet.
Nora: I'm not dumb, I know a lot about guns. He taught me... the man who got killed and made my life miserable.
Nora: I made you shoot three times so that you had only three bullets left because I know that gun holds up to six. You used 2 on our guns and 1 on my vest. It's empty now.
Nora: But ours aren't. So YOU should surrender and go to jail. Our team has already arrested all of MAFIA's agents. It's the end.
Vaninna: A real mobster knows when to draw back. You've won, <Rank> <Name>, and I'm surprised. Just remember that I'll always be up for a second battle. This may not be the end...

Minutes later...

George: Congratulations, Nora and <Name>! We've put an end to MAFIA and it's thanks to all of you, but mainly you two. Of course, Jerry helped us a lot too.
Nora: Does that guy still work here?
George: Don't act like you've forgotten, Nora... Your plan to arrest Vaninna was perfect and you were very brave! You deserve a promotion, Corporal MacMillon.
Nora: Corporal?! You have to be kidding! And what is that envelope, a congratulations card?
George: No, it's just a blank letter we got from the local detention facility. Anyway, it has a weird scent.
Nora: Chief, that could be something dangerous! <Name>, we need to see what is this smell about. Let's put this paper under a microscope.

Examine Blank letter
Nora: Thank God it was just invisible ink. For a second, I thought it would be something more dangerous...
Nora: Ok, then let's just use the Bunsen burner to make the message visible... It says...
Nora: Aha, it's in Japanese. Don't worry, <Name>, I can read Japanese. That guy taught me a lot about Japanese... and about guns as well. He just didn't teach me about happiness.
Nora: What the heck am I saying, I sound like Annabelle. This message says "please come and talk to me" and it's signed in Japanese. These kanjis make up the name...
Nora: Takeshi? He's the only Japanese person I've recently heard about and this name can be read as Takeshi. He sent it from the district detention facility, I don't think I can go yet.
Nora: Why don't you go with Thomas? He knows now more about MAFIA than the rest of us.

See what Takeshi Meuro wants to talk about
Takeshi: <Rank> <Name>, I thought I should explain the truth to you after I saved you from Carmela Johnson's gun.
Thomas: They told me you'd also been pretending to be Japanese. You speak perfect English!
Takeshi: Kouan keisatsu. I am a member of the Kouan Keisatsu, the Japanese FBI, let's say. I've spoken English since I was just a child. I wasn't lying about my origins.
Thomas: Then what are you doing in America? What are you doing in MAFIA?!
Takeshi: The criminal organization called MAFIA killed one of our men in a robbery when he was here on holidays. I investigated and joined them. I'm undercover, <Rank> <Name>.
Takeshi: I'd called reinforcements from Hokkaido but their helicopter failed and the ocean swallowed them.
Thomas: So that caused the great tide, your reinforcements.
Takeshi: The tide invaded the forest hideout and MAFIA moved here. They made themselves get arrested and their "belongings" were kept here as "evidence". Do you get it?
Thomas: They moved everything to the police station! How clever! What will happen to you now? Will you return to Japan?
Takeshi: That helicopter got me suspended. My plan failed, so I can't return. By the way, why have the rest of MAFIA members been taken away from this place?
Thomas: We arrested all of MAFIA members. Why didn't they come for you too? Now I remember, I didn't see your name in the files...
Thomas: Oh, <Name>, there are still more members! After I found info on Vaninna, I got hyped and stopped reading the rest! We need to go back to the HQ!
Takeshi: Before you leave, please accept this from me!

Thomas: Hey, where is Gary's flash drive?! It was here.
Violet: Ah, you'd left it here so we filed it as evidence. It's in the evidence storage room.
Thomas: But I don't have access to that system, the network can't be operated by me. That means that now we have to ask...
Thomas: Hans. Oh my, that old bitter guy. Wait for me, <Name>.

Analyze Evidence flash drive
Thomas: So, er... Hans. Did you find out about the rest of the MAFIA members?
Hans: I found the info on Meuro, but as a lawyer let me tell you that law won't declare him guilty because all of his illegal actions were ordered in a mission by his superiors.
Hans: And his superiors ARE the law in Japan. We can let him go or send him to a Court and let a judge set him free, whatever you prefer.
Hans: I found four or five more MAFIA agents and another one that shocked me. <Rank> <Name>, now I know why the organization moved to that police station.
Hans: Everett Sanderson is in Perkins' files!
Thomas: WHAT?! So that's why his team never investigated Mandi Joyway's case, because he knows her from MAFIA.
Thomas: I can't believe it, <Name>! We have to send this guy to jail with his guard lowered, but what can we do? He has weapons just like us!
George: I have already thought of a plan, don't worry. I've told him that Nora has appeared! Everett is already coming. Come with us, please, this will be fun to watch.

Send Everett Sanderson to jail
Everett: You're finally here, missing lady! Did you think I'd forget about you? Here is your expulsion form, haha!
Nora: I'm afraid you can't do that, Everett, for two reasons. First of all, we're no longer in your jurisdiction. Our Chief has officially transfered us to South Coast.
Nora (cocking gun): Secondly, Evergreen Tops is no longer your jurisdiction.
George (cocking gun): You're fired, Everett. And you're also under arrest for being in MAFIA. We have more guns than you.
Everett: Do you think that will work? If you put all of MAFIA in jail, we'll still be together.
Hans (gun in hand): Never underestimate a lawyer. You'll all be going to federal prisons all over the 50 states. You won't be together.
Nora (aiming): Just to think that you had Mandi Joyway, a teenager, among your lines...
Everett: She's the one who wanted to join us, it wasn't my fault. Anyway, she never helped us find out whether the forest cabin was Reuben's one or not...
Everett (falling): Agh...
Megan: Didn't you see he was reaching for his gun? Thank God I found this tranquilizing dart. Anyway, are we really leaving this district?
George: Yes, and I've already named a new commander for Evergreen Tops. It's Takeshi Meuro!
George: MAFIA's threat is over now and we've finally got rid of our security breach even if that meant Bella Matthews and Gary Perkins had to be free.
George: Now, <Name>, is it ok if I give you a raise?

Thomas: Wait, wait, we're not leaving this district until we know which one of us made that stink bomb!
Kyle: Fine, fine, it was me! I made it.
Thomas: Huh? But why? And why in MY room?
Kyle: Because I had heard you screaming I HATE MONTGOMERY over and over! I've never done anything bad to you and that's how you paid me back.
Thomas: I meant Montgomery Appleton, not Kyle Montgomery!
Kyle: Oh, oh, oh... Is that so?
Thomas: You're an idiot!
Kyle: So... you hate me for real now?
Thomas: SHUT UP!!!
